10th Class Result Check Online 2025

According to the recent updates of the exam date for 10th class announced by the Board. As the students appeared in annual exam in Month of March 2025. Every year the exams sheets are provided to students one month prior to the annual exams. However, the result of 10th class 2025, Students waiting for the result of the 10th class are informed that the result will be announced as planned by exam board. Keep visiting Eduhq.pk for regular updates.

10th Class Result Check Online

Punjab Boards

KPK Boards

How to Check BISE Kohat Board 10th Class Result

Kohat Board

Sindh Boards

Balochistan & AJK Boards

How to Check Your 10th Grade Exam Results Online: A Step-by-Step


10th Class Result, in someone life is the ultimate goal. On behalf of BISE 10th Class result student start his journey of life, because all of students education studies is depend upon 10th class result. online checking 10th Class Result Check Online 2025 makes students life easy as compare to past, where once parents go to school board office to ask for results.

Such as 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th class result and 12th class result. Now a candidate check results that may be 9th class, 10th class, 11th class or First year. Let’s play a role to do, 10th Class Result Check Online 2025. If you would like to check 9th class result of all Pakistan educational exam boards click the following boards.

BISE Gujranwala BoardBISE Faisalabad BoardBISE Lahore BoardBISE Multan BoardBISE Bahawalpur Board, BISE Sargodha BoardBISE DG Khan BoardBISE Peshawar BoardBISE Swat BoardBISE Karachi BoardBISE Hyderabad BoardBISE Sukkur BoardBISE Larkana Board, BISE Aga Khan Board, BISE Abbottabad BoardBISE Quetta BoardBISE AJK Board, BISE Sahiwal BoardBISE Bannu BoardBISE Mardan BoardBISE DI Khan Board.

Not only we will also resit policy, errors on result cards, practicals, and many more.

Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan 

The Government organization, which run intermediate and secondary level exams by the board of intermediate and secondary education of Pakistan. BISEs are the responsible for improving the quality and excellency of middle and high school levels.  In Pakistan, there are six BISEs. One is in each province, and one is in Islamabad, the federal capital. 

Let’s examine some intermediate and secondary level boards of Pakistan below.

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary and Secondary Education (FBISE), Punjab Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (PBISE), Sindh Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (SBISE), Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BBISE), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (KPBISE), Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (AJK BISE).

Punjab Education Boards

Boards of Education in PunjabLocationEstablished YearWebsite
BISE, LahoreLahore1954biselahore.com
BISE, GujranwalaGujranwala1976bisegrw.edu.pk
BISE, FaisalabadFaisalabad1988bisefsd.edu.pk
BISE, MultanMultan1968bisemultan.edu.pk
BISE, RawalpindiRawalpindi1977biserawalpindi.edu.pk
BISE, SahiwalSahiwal2012bisesahiwal.edu.pk
BISE, BahawalpurBahawalpur1977bisebwp.edu.pk
BISE Dera, Ghazi KhanDera Ghazi Khan1989bisedgkhan.edu.pk
BISE, SargodhaSargodha1968bisesargodha.edu.pk

Sindh Education Boards

Boards of Education in SindhLocationEstablished YearWebsite
Aga Khan University Examination BoardKarachi2003examinationboard.aku.edu
BSEK KarachiKarachi1950bsek.edu.pk
BISE, HyderabadHyderabad1961biseh.edu.pk
BIEK, KarachiKarachi1974biek.edu.pk
BISE, LarkanaLarkana1995biselrk.edu.pk
BISE, MirpurkhasMirpurkhas1954bisemirpurkhas.com
BISE, SukkurSukkur1979bisesuksindh.edu.pk

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Education Boards

Boards of Education in KPKLocationEstablished YearWebsite
BISE, AbbottabadAbbottabad1990biseatd.edu.pk
BISE, BannuBannu1990biseb.edu.pk
BISE, Dera Ismail KhanDera Ismail Khan2006bisedik.edu.pk
BISE, KohatKohat2002bisekt.edu.pk
BISE, MalakandMalakand2003bisemalakand.edu.pk
BISE, MardanMardan1990bisemardan.edu.pk
BISE, PeshawarPeshawar1961bisep.edu.pk
BISE, SwatSwat1992bisess.edu.pk

Balochistan Education Board

Boards of Education in BaluchistanLocationEstablished YearWebsite
BISE, QuettaQuetta1976bbiseqta.edu.pk

Azad Kashmir & AJK Boards

Boards of Education in Azad Kashmir/AJKLocationEstablished YearWebsite
BISE, MirpurMirpur1973ajkbise.net

Federal Education Boards

Boards of Education in IslamabadLocationEstablished YearWebsite
FBISE, IslamabadIslamabad1975fbise.edu.pk

How to Check 10th Class Result Check Online 2025

Learner can check 10th class result online in different ways. The most common method of checking results. Which are given below. By

  • Roll Number
  • SMS
  • Name
  • Gazette
    Note: We will explain each of the above methods in detail in further section.

Every education boards, means School, College, University or other Institute has it’s own method of checking result. Let’s explain the methods of checking result of secondary school or matriculation.

  • You can find the information about your exam board, from your area.
  • Find out which exam board is responsible for your 10th class exam.
  • Every education board, have a dedicate website for students querries.
  • Visit the official website of your exam board for searching 10th class result.
  • You may find different options. Such as
  • 10th class result check online, results or exam results.
  • Click any one of option given by.
  • Type your complete information like.
  • Roll No, Name, Father’s Name and date of birth.
  • Search Result.

10th Class Result Check Online 2025 Date

The Punjab boards announced the matric result will be announce on 31 July 2025.

Other Ways to 10th Class Result Check Online 2025

As we have discussed above that there are sort of ways to check 10th class result. Now it’s depend the educational institute you are concern to check your exam results.

Check 10th Class Result Check Online 2025 by SMS

You can use your message service to 10th Class Result Check Online 2025. Which is elaborate underneath.

  • Take a Mobile Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy, Nokia, iphone) etc.
  • Write your Roll Number.
  • Send your message to code provide by your exam board.
  • Wait for result, you will get within 15 minutes.

Note:  Learners must use an active sim card. If you have an issue with your network, please contact the following services companies. Which are listed underneath.

SMS Codes for 10th Class Result Punjab Board 

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
BISE, LahoreLahore800291
BISE, GujranwalaGujranwala800299
BISE, FaisalabadFaisalabad800240
BISE, MultanMultan800293
BISE, RawalpindiRawalpindi800296
BISE, SahiwalSahiwal800292
BISE, BahawalpurBahawalpur800298
BISE, Dera Ghazi KhanDera Ghazi Khan800295
BISE, SargodhaSargodha800290

SMS Codes for Sindh Education Boards 

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
BISE, KarachiKarachi8583
BISE, HyderabadHyderabad8583
BISE, SukkurSukkur80029
BISE, MirpurkhasMirpurkhas8583
Aga Khan BoardKarachi8583
BISE, LarkanaLarkana800291
Karachi Board (BSEK)Karachi8583

SMS Codes for KPK Education Boards

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
Peshawar BoardPeshawar9818
Swat BoardSwat8333
Malakand BoardMalakand8583
Bannu BoardBannu9818
Mardan BoardMardan9818
Dera Ismail Khan BoardDera Ismail Khan9818
Abbottabad BoardAbbottabad9818

SMS Codes for Azad Kashmir/AJK Education Boards 

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
BISE, MirpurMirpur8583

SMS Codes for Baluchistan Education Boards 

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
BISE, BaluchistanBaluchistan(SMS number not specified)*

SMS Codes for Federal Education Board

Name of BoardLocationSMS Number
FBISE, IslamabadIslamabad5050

Remember: Amount will be charge for checking 10th class result from Rs. 5 to Rs. 10

Check 10th Class Result Check Online 2025 by Gazette

Cadets can check 10th class result, while using Gazette method, which is last method of checking results.
Let’s examine the steps below.

  • You have to find out the board, where your 10th class exams are concern.
  • Visit the official website you are enrolled.
  • Search for 10th class result.
  • Search for the option download, click that and download it.
  • If you don’t found your 10th class result online.
  • You may find out your result in gazette in book store, government office.
  • Purchase copy of gazette of your 10th class exam results, if you found on other place.

If any problem occurred, during downloading or find your results by Gazette. You may contact your exam board, where you are enrolled. We have provided the contact information of each board of Pakistan. That may be through online or via phone. as well below we are providing.

Errors in Class 10th Result Card 

There may be occur several types of errors in 10th class result card, let’s define some of them underneath.

  • Incorrect mistake in personal details, such as names, father’s name.
  • Incorrect codes or subject names.
  • Mistaken grades or marks obtained.
  • Incorporation of subject, where a student did not appear.
  • Exclusion of problems that cadet did occur for.
  • Mistake in Grades, total marks or percentage.

How to Correct Errors in 10th Class Result Card

If a learners found errors in the result card, the cadet must follow the steps below.

  • Contact the concerned authorities
  • Provide evidence of the error
  • Request correction of the error
  • Follow up on your request

Contact the concerned Authorities: The person who is responsible for issuing the result card, like School or the board. You can get via email, phone or in person.

Provide Evidence of The Error: In term of evidence, candidate must have to provide the photocopy of the incorrect result card or another supporting document that prove the student validity.

Request correction of the error: For such kind of process, you may be provided with form to fill and explain the errors and reason.

Follow up on your request: Candidates have to give the complete evidence regarding the errors or mistake to fix. Else cadets have to contact the authorities to fix it. Keep in mind making error or mistake in your result card, lead you to a very dangerous satuation in future. You will not get admission in any school, college, university or another education institute. Even you will not get any job in future, unless until the mistake or errors are not fixed result card.

Marks Distribution and Grading Scheme for 10th Class

Those cadest who perform well or not in the 10th Class exam, the marks distribution and grading will go to each one in the exam board concern. However, every examination board specifies the maximum marks obtained by, the weightage of different sections, the negative marking scheme (if applicable), and the pass marks get by students.

Well the marking scheme is varying board to board also inside of the particular exam boar. As we have science group, arts group which have a different schema marking, also for Pakistan study (Social study), Islamiat, Urdu, Sindhi of the 10th class. Let’s explain below the scheme for Marks distribution and grading.

Subjects NamesWritten Paper MarksPractical MarksTotal Marks
Urdu/ Geography7575
Pak Studies5050
Subjects NamesWritten Paper MarksPractical MarksTotal Marks
Urdu/ Geography7575
Pak Studies5050
General Mathematics7575
General Science7575
Three Elective Subjects (may or may not have practical)60/75 (Per subject)15 (Per subject, if any)75/90 (Per subject)
Total Marks505/550550

Note: Students selected for the humanities group will have to choose two elective subjects and the compulsory ones.

PercentageGradeGrade PointsRemarks
80% or aboveA+4.0Exceptional
70% or above but below 80%A3.7Excellent
60% or above but below 70%B3.0Very Good
50% or above but below 60%C2.0Good
40% or above but below 50%D1.0Fair
Below 40% to minimum passingE0.7Satisfactory

Well, it necessary for candidates to read with attention and understand the marking criteria and distribution of marks before going to attempting the 10th class exam. Such kind of methodology will help cadets to plan their preparation and improve their chances of performing well in the 10th class exam.

Supplementary Exams Policy for 10th class in 2025

Every school, college or university boards exam have different policies for conduction the supplementary exams. Some of them conduct the exam of single subject or more than one in a forty days, while other may take more times. Those cadets who are having intention to appear in supplementary exams, they have to pay fee for single subject or if more subjects student have to also pay for those. Every student must have a close contact with their exam board, in order to get information for their betterment.

Punjab Board’s New Policy for Supplementary Exams :

The Punjab board’s of committee of Chairman, made many different policies, that the cadets should only be considered to have partially failed the matriculation and intermediate exams. 

Those candidates who are faille in one or more subject, have to retake only exam tests in the second round of yearly exams. Which is also known as supply exams. everyone taking the course will pass the exam, no one will be considered a failure in the supplementary exams. And those cadets who are failed in more than one subjects. He/She will take all test during annual exams.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the method for 10th Class Result Check Online 2025?

Checking 10th Class Result Check Online 2025. Just follow the steps below.

  • Go to the official website you are enrolled.
  • Select your exam, means 10th class result.
  • Type Roll Number.
  • check result.

Can I check my 10th class result without the internet?

Yes, you can check 10th Class Result Check Online 2025 via SMS. Let’s follow below the steps.

  • Take a phone and go to message section.
  • Write your Roll Number in the message body.
  • Send it to a specific code of your exam board provide above.
  • You will receive a message withing 15 minutes.
  • Check result.

What do I do if I need help finding my result online?

You can try a few things if you are still looking for your 10th class result online.

  • First you have to care, that you entered the correct Roll No, you have.
  • If the problem still exist, try again and again more than three to four times.
  • If not solved, still having problme.
  • Contact relevance exam board.

Can I get a copy of my 10th class result if I lose the original?

Yes, you can get, a copy of your 10th class result by giving application to your relevant exam board. Where they will provide your 10th-grade result card, by providing your identification of personal documents, you have to pay the fee.

What should I do if I disagree with my 10th class result?

If you are not satisfied with your 10th class result. You may apply for review or appeal. For such kind of method, you have to concern to your exam board, in order to review your result. You have to pay fee also


Candidates who are looking for 10th class result check online. They can check their marks and can download result cards. We have discussed each and everything in detailed for the easynest of the cadets. That they will never feel difficulty in finding 10th class result. As we explained each and everything in above section that students will never get trouble while checking results or getting info for other information.