12th Class Result 2025

The Government of Punjab boards announced, 12th class result on 12th september 2025. All Punjab boards including, BISE Gujranwala Board, BISE Faisalabad Board, BISE Lahore Board, BISE Multan Board, BISE Bahawalpur Board, BISE Sargodha Board, BISE DG Khan Board, BISE Sahiwal Board. Candidates can check 12th class result, while using the official website of their exams board, they are concern.

Cadets who want to check their 12th year result 2025, they can follow official website, while using their url on internet using google or we are providing all the provincial exam boards of Pakistan below with specific official links, where student can easily check results. Such as 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th class result (First year) and 12th class result (2nd year). However, as the per the exam board and educational authorities, the 12th class result is expected to be announce in Month of October 2025.

12th Class Result

Punjab Boards

KPK Boards

Sindh Boards

Balochistan & AJK Boards

Quetta Board

Quetta Board

Result Live Update

All the exam boards of Pakistan, such as Punjab, Khyber pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Sindh, Balochistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). Exam boards declared, time table of annual 12th class result 2025. Thousand of students take admission for 12th class every year. Managing the curriculum, time table and exam preparation for the students is not a easy task. That’s why exam boards provide the online system for checking result, accessing admission application forms.

Candidates can also check  percentage of passed students for the session of 2024-2025, cadets can check passing percentage of his/her exam board online, the last year passing percentage of punjab board was 96.48%.

BoardClassYearTotal Marks in ResultResult StatusGroupsTotal Marks in HSSC Part 1 & 2Minimum Passing MarksQuick Information on 2nd Year Result 2025
All Punjab Boards122025550Announced on 20 October 2025 as expectedArts, Science, Commerce1100440Expected announcement date: 20 October 2025

The HeadQuarters of Education (EduHQ) is a platform for every candidates to search results. Such as 9th class result, 10th class result, 11th class result (First year) and 12th class result (2nd year). However, students may get info about paper rechecking, supplementary exams, result cancellation, board migration/NOC. All intermediate and secondary education cadets can check through EduHQ, for more information keep visiting our page for (https://eduhq.pk/).
Let’s have a look about all pakistan exam boards.

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary and Secondary Education (FBISE), Punjab Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (PBISE), Sindh Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (SBISE), Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BBISE), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (KPBISE), Azad Jammu and Kashmir Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (AJK).

Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan 

Pakistan government of education, running six provincial exam boards, each province is responsible for it’s own exam board, the curriculum, time table, managing the exam papers, announcing the results of different classes. BISEs boards executing the exams from 9-12th Class Result 2025. The six regional boards one for each state, the federal, which is in the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad. Let’s explain all the provincial education boards of Pakistan below, in a separate table.

Punjab Education Boards 

Boards of Education in PunjabLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
BISE, LahoreLahorebiselahore.com1954
BISE, GujranwalaGujranwalabisegrw.com1976
BISE, FaisalabadFaisalabadbisefsd.edu.pk1988
BISE, MultanMultanbisemultan.edu.pk1968
BISE, RawalpindiRawalpindibiserwp.edu.pk1977
BISE, SahiwalSahiwalbisesahiwal.edu.pk2012
BISE, BahawalpurBahawalpurbisebwp.edu.pk1977
BISE, Dera Ghazi KhanDera Ghazi Khanbisedgkhan.edu.pk1989
BISE, SargodhaSargodhabisesargodha.edu.pk1968

KPK Education Boards

Boards of Education in KPKLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
BISE, AbbottabadAbbottabadbiseatd.edu.pk1990
BISE, BannuBannubiseb.edu.pk1990
BISE, Dera Ismail KhanDera Ismail Khanbisedik.edu.pk2006
BISE, KohatKohatbisekt.edu.pk2002
BISE, MalakandMalakandbisemalakand.edu.pk2003
BISE, MardanMardanbisemdn.edu.pk1990
BISE, PeshawarPeshawarbisep.edu.pk1961
BISE, SwatSwatbisess.edu.pk1992

Sindh Education Boards 

Boards of Education in SindhLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
Aga Khan BoardKarachiexaminationboard.aku.edu2003
BSEK KarachiKarachibsek.edu.pk1950
BISE, HyderabadHyderabadbiseh.edu.pk1961
BISE, LarkanaLarkanabiselrk.edu.pk1995
BISE, MirpurkhasMirpurkhasbisemirpurkhas.com1954
BISE, SukkurSukkurbisesuk.edu.pk1979

Baluchistan Education Boards 

Boards of Education in BalochistanLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
BISE, QuettaQuettabbiseqta.edu.pk1979

Azad Kashmir/AJK Education Boards 

Boards of Education in Azad KashmirLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
BISE, MirpurMirpurajkbise.net1973

Federal Education Boards 

Federal Education BoardsLocationWebsiteEstablished Year
FBISE, IslamabadIslamabadfbise.edu.pk1975

Methods of Checking 12th Class Result

Candidates can check Inter Part II results by the following ways.

Check Class 12 Board Result Online :

  • Go to visit the official website of your Exam BISE board.
  • Search for “Result” means “Class 12 Result”
  • Type roll number.
  • Enter other required information, such as your name or date of birth.
  • Check Result.
  • Result will be displayed on your screen.
  • Note to download a copy for your records.

Student can contact his/her BISE board for help. if you need help accessing your result online. You can also check your result through SMS or by obtaining a physical copy at your school or the BISE board office.

How to Check 12th Class Result by SMS/Message:  

On announcement day of result, all the official website of exam boards are having highly trafic. However, checking 12th class result using SMS is more better than the using website. Check your 12th-grade marks without delay. 

Let’s check the steps for SMS to check class 12th result.

  • Every student can check their SMS code of the exam board.
  • Send SMS to the number designated by your education board.
  • We have listed all education exam boards SMS code. You may also take from theri.
  • OR information is typically available on the board’s website or local newspapers.
  • Type your Roll Number in the message body.
  • Send the SMS to education board.
  • OR other personal details like your date of birth or your father’s name.
  • You will get result around 15 minutes.
  • Check 12th class result.

Note:  Learners must use an active sim card. If you have an issue with your network, please contact the following services companies. Which are listed underneath.


SMS Codes for Punjab Board 

Name of BoardRegionSMS Number
BISE, LahoreLahore800291
BISE, GujranwalaGujranwala800299
BISE, FaisalabadFaisalabad800240
BISE, MultanMultan800293
BISE, RawalpindiRawalpindi800296
BISE, SahiwalSahiwal800292
BISE, BahawalpurBahawalpur800298
BISE, Dera Ghazi KhanDera Ghazi Khan800295
BISE, SargodhaSargodha800290

SMS Codes for KPK Education Boards 

Boards of Education in KPKLocationSMS Number
BISE, AbbottabadAbbottabad5050
BISE, BannuBannu5050
BISE, Dera Ismail KhanDera Ismail Khan9818
BISE, KohatKohat5050
BISE, MalakandMalakand9966
BISE, MardanMardan9919
BISE, PeshawarPeshawar9818
BISE, SwatSwat9966

SMS Codes for Sindh Education Boards 

Boards of Education in SindhLocationSMS Number
Aga Khan BoardKarachi8583
BSEK KarachiKarachi8583
BISE, HyderabadHyderabad8583
BISE, LarkanaLarkana8583
BISE, MirpurkhasMirpurkhas8583
BISE, SukkurSukkur8583

SMS Codes for Azad Kashmir/AJK Education Boards 

Boards of Education in Azad KashmirLocationSMS Number
BISE, MirpurMirpur5050

SMS Codes for Baluchistan Education Boards 

Balochistan board did not provided the SMS Number, you may contact through contact number for an query regarding SMS.

Boards of Education in BalochistanLocationContact Number
BISE, QuettaQuetta081-9202771

SMS Codes for Federal Education Board

Federal Education BoardLocationSMS Number
FBISE, IslamabadIslamabad5050

Checking 9th Class Result by Gazette:

Check matric results without the internet the last method of checking result. All the candidates of exam board, the result is available in pdf form that’s Gazette. It’s the advantage of technology that student can easily download the result easily from the official website of the concern board online. But it was reverse of the recent time. In the past all the education exam boards, make their school, college, university other educational institute in hard copy. Which will be available in school, offices, bookshops etc. Let’s focus the steps for checking result in gazette below

  • Go to the official website your high school board.
  • Search for gazette result and download it. Else
  • Obtain a copy of the 12th class Gazette.
  • Check the Gazette to see whether your name or roll number appears on the results list.
  • Double-check everything to make sure it’s accurate.

Common Errors and Their Corrections on 9th Class Result Card 

Cadets may made mistake during the form of 9th class exam,10th class exam, 11th class exam (First year) or 12th class exam(2nd year). Such kind of errors may lead a students to Matric result cards can have spelling errors, or even your marks can be wrongly printed. Checking your class 9th result card to omit mistakes is crucial.

Student must not be upset EduHQ brought the solution for such kind of problemes. Let’s define them below.

Common Errors 

The following errors may occur in ninth-grade result card. Mostly students made the common mistakes:

  • Typographical errors: Those students who made mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar
  • Those occur when the result card is printed.
  • Data entry errors: Cadets who entered incorrect information into the system.
  • And the student result card is being prepared.
  • Such kind of errors will be include in the student’s name, roll number, or other identifying information.
  • Omission errors: When cadet left the important information of the result card.
  • Such as the student’s name or the subject in which they were examined.
  • Formatting errors: Formating leads a student to a minor mistakes.
  • Such as the layout or design of the result card, such as incorrect margins or font sizes.
  • Printing errors: These mistakes occur during the printing process, such as smudges or blurred text

Correction of Errors On 9th Class Result 

If student found and error in 9th class result issued by the BISE. Let’s solve them by the following steps.

  • Try to contact your exam board.
  • While visiting official website.
  • You can also contact via phone numbers etc.
  • Give the explanation about the error you have noticed in your result.
  • Write full name, roll number, and other relevant information to help them locate your result.
  • Try to follow the BISE to obtain a corrected result.
  • You have to submit a request in writing or fill out a form online.
  • Keep with yourself a record of your communication with the BISE BWP and any documents you submit.
  • It will help you the progress of your request and ensure that the error is corrected on time.

While making correction in 9th class results issued by the BISE may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Time it takes to resolve your issue may also vary.

Grading and Marking Scheme Of 9th Class

Students must have to know about the Understanding the grading and marking criteria for an exam.
OR course is important for several reasons. Let’s focus on the following steps. 

  • Set realistic goals
  • Best performance evaluation approach 
  • Know your weakness and strengths timely

Marks Distribution of 9th class Science Group 2025

Subjects NamesWritten Paper MarksPractical/Oral Exam Marks
Pak Studies500
Tarjuma Tul Quran500
Total Marks555/54545/40

Marks Distribution of 9th Class Arts/Humanities Group 2025

Subjects NamesWritten Paper MarksPractical Marks
Urdu/ Geography75
Pak Studies50
Tarjuma Tul Quran50
General Mathematics75
General Science75
Three Elective Subjects60/75 (Per subject)15 (Per subject, if any)
Total Marks555/600

Grading Criteria of 9th Class 2025 

80% or aboveA+Exceptional
70% or above but below 80%AExcellent
60% or above but below 70%BVery Good
50% or above but below 60%CGood
40% or above but below 50%DFair
Below 40% to minimum passing markESatisfactory

Supplementary Exams Policy for 9th class in 2025

Well as about the Punjab Educational exam Boards. New policy for enrolling students. if a cadet fails one or more subjects in the first round of annual exams. than the student has to retake the exam. Else the student has to take again the whole exam papers,of hie exam board, he/she is concern.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is the class 9th result important?

Yes, 9th grade is very important for a student. Because it is your future steps, where you will be taking admission to your higher studies. If something is wrong, it will remain wrong for ever if student did not try to resolve it. If you are concerned about your grade 10 results, you may receive a pass but not a distinction. You will also need to make up for the medical or engineering colleges.

How can I log in to BISE Lahore?

You can login through your CNIC. Which is your username for logging in to the Lahore Board Portal. You will received five-digit PIN through text message which will be your password.

How can we check the 9th result by SMS?

You can check result via SMS. Where you have to send your board’s roll number to a particular code for your exam board. The education board will send your 9th class result within 14 to 15 minutes.


Candidates, who want to check 9th class result. EduHQ is the platform for all those students, who will find to check  matric result and have reliable information on marking and grading criteria. Your efforts will bring, and you will pass your 9th class with flying colors. The HeadQuarters of Education (EduHQ) not only help student to find 12th class result but also for 9th class result, 10th class result and 11th class result.